Book publishing simplified! Utilize our Professional eBook Publishing Services

In an era marked by rapid digital advancements, eBooks have emerged as a cornerstone of the contemporary publishing arena. Providing a versatile and readily accessible platform, they facilitate global connections with readers. NextGen Writers stands as your dependable ally in this digital evolution, prepared to expertly navigate the complexities of eBook publishing on your behalf.

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Explore Enhanced eBook Publishing Solutions

You’ve invested time and effort into crafting a book filled with valuable information poised to benefit others. Now, your next crucial step is selecting the ideal book publishing services. We understand the challenges you may encounter when choosing an eBook publisher. Unlike other platforms that assert control over your work upon acquisition, at Lincoln Writers, we guarantee you retain full control and receive 100% royalties. With our streamlined eBook publishing services, simply notify us upon completing your manuscript, and we’ll initiate the publishing process promptly.

Why Rely on Our Book & eBook Publishing Services?

Book publishing can feel overwhelming, and with numerous complexities to navigate, seeking professional assistance might seem like the wisest choice. We understand that eBook publishing services can be intimidating for some, as there’s often a fear of losing control over your project. However, we want to reassure you that we’re different. Here are some key facts about our book and eBook publishing process, designed to alleviate any concerns and demonstrate our commitment to your peace of mind.


Our dedication and commitment to producing innovative content make Lincoln Writes the best-ghostwriting company in the USA. For us, our clients and their satisfaction are vital ingredients.

Everyone at Lincoln Writes understands that every client has differing writing tastes and requirements.

Our gifted writing team displays a strong sense of skill and belief. As an accomplished ghost-writing service.

We assure to offer you the best results regardless of the genre, tone, and subject.

Unique Aspects of

What Sets Our eBook Publishing Services Apart?

Consider these compelling reasons to choose a professional eBook publishing platform:

Extensive Distribution Networks:

Our publishing experts boast extensive connections with premier publishing agents, independent presses, and major publishing conglomerates. With our assistance, you can guarantee that your work will reach a broad audience. Count on us to enhance your book's visibility through our dependable eBook publishing services.

Expert Design and Formatting Services:

As seasoned experts in book publishing, we know your manuscript has a long way to go before becoming a final piece. Your piece may lack design and formatting. But don't worry; our expert can provide visually pleasing templates that make eBooks look presentable.

Comprehensive Marketing and Promotion Assistance:

At NextGen Writers, we don't just help you write your book, we help you get it into readers' hands! Our publishing experts can guide you on pricing strategies, book categories, and the best keywords to use. This will help your book reach the right audience and build excitement for your work.

Royalties and Pricing Choices:

Royalties and pricing are crucial aspects where we provide support. We can create effective pricing strategies to maximize your earnings from each sale. Regarding royalties, we ensure you maintain full control over your work post-publication.

Analytics and Reporting:

eBook sales play a crucial role in determining the success of your eBook. With our eBook publishing services, we can help you monitor your eBook's performance and identify trends. This information can guide you in making informed decisions about your book's future.

Guidance and Support:

Understanding the complexities of book publishing, our experts are here to support and assist you. Whether you have questions about formatting or need guidance on marketing strategies, we are ready to address all your concerns and ensure you have the help you need.

Expert Design and Formatting
Comprehensive Marketing and Promotion
Royalties and
Pricing Choices
Analytics and Performance
Guidance and

How Do We Go About Book Cover Design Services?

Here’s a clear map of how we handle each cover design project:

Expansive Reach

Our publishing process is designed to amplify the visibility of your eBook on a global scale. As an experienced eBook publishing platform, we’ll ensure that your work is distributed across numerous online channels.

Economic Viability

Costs can escalate when you engage professional eBook publishing services. However, with NextGen Writers, you can rest assured; we prioritize a cost-effective approach.

Rapid Publishing Process

We guarantee a streamlined process from manuscript to the final published piece, ensuring prompt delivery to readers.

Engagement with Readers

Reader experience is paramount. We’ll optimize your work for various multimedia devices and ensure your eBook provides an immersive reading experience.

Seamless Updates and Revisions

Looking to make minor adjustments to your eBook before publishing? Our processes enable you to effortlessly update your eBook, ensuring a high-quality final product.

Editing and Revision Services:

Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we provide flexible revisions and expert editing to refine every detail until it perfectly aligns with your vision.

Transform Your Manuscript into a Digital Book

Allow Our Expert eBook Publishing Services to Lead the Way!

Our dedicated team at NextGen Writers understands the challenges writers face when working with inexperienced eBook publishing platforms. From receiving subpar final products to relinquishing control over their work, the frustrations are real.
We’re here to change that narrative in eBook publishing. Not only do we ensure your book reaches millions worldwide, but we also guarantee it’s presented in a professional and immersive manner. Let us guide you through every step of the publishing journey, from managing the manuscript to connecting you with the perfect publisher.
Share your stories with the world, with NextGen Writers as your trusted eBook publishing partner.

Hear From Our Esteemed Clients

With NextGen, Satisfaction Is Guaranteed

Emily Carter
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NextGen Writers exceeded my expectations in every way. The team was incredibly professional, and they made the entire process so easy and stress-free. My book turned out better than I ever imagined. I highly recommend their services to anyone looking to bring their story to life.
Michael Bennett
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I was overwhelmed by the idea of writing a book, but NextGen Writers made it a seamless and enjoyable experience. Their expert guidance and support were invaluable, and the final product was outstanding. I couldn't be happier with the result!
Sophia Ramirez
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Working with NextGen Writers was a fantastic experience. They truly understood my vision and brought it to life with exceptional skill and creativity. The entire process was smooth, and their team was always available to answer my questions. I’m thrilled with my book and grateful for their expertise.


Frequently Asked Questions

Our book writing process typically involves an initial consultation, followed by a series of interviews to gather your stories. We then draft your first concept, incorporate your feedback, and keep working on it chapter by chapter until we finalize a manuscript, before delivering the completed book.

The timeline for completing a book varies depending on the length and complexity of your story. On average, it can take anywhere from a few months to a year.

Absolutely! We can start with your existing notes or drafts and help you refine and expand them into a full-length book.

We take your privacy very seriously. All information shared with us is kept confidential, and we can sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to guarantee your privacy.

Pricing varies based on the complexity of the design and the specific needs of your project. We offer competitive rates and will provide a detailed quote after discussing your requirements.

Transform your manuscript into a professional eBook with our expert publishing services.

Let Our Skilled Designers Manage Your Book Covers - Contact Us Today!

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